Need a narration voice for your corporate video, educational, inhouse presentation or learner video? Here are voiceover demos of Male narration reads and we can also run auditions with a sample of your copy to make sure you have found your voice


      Larry Davis

      Danny Fehsenfeld

      Bryan Huey

      David Jeremiah

      Bruce Norzick

      Graeme Spicer

      Tim Friedlander

      Tripp Karrh

      Jared Martzell

      James Thomas

      Jason Mabie

      Dave Fennoy

      Chris Fries

      Michael Greco

      Andy Barnett

      Scott Holst

      Ed Wistreich

      Mike Vaughn

      Milton Lawrence

      Andrew Lander

      Michael Greco

      Brian Roberts

      Jeff McNeal

      Jack Dennis

      Andy Barnett

      Mike Cooper - British

      Andrew Heyl

      Ethan Sawyer

      Ed Cunningham

      Ron Whittemore

      Connor Quinn

      Brian Monk

      Brad Rounds